Contact information is only valuable if it is accurate. We can provide solutions that include address cleaning, data lookup and Canada Post postal features. We can make your contact management more effective so you can benefit from lower postal rates on large mailings. With more accurate address data you will realize more revenue for your company. Our solutions:

  • validate and standardize all addresses in your database.
  • prevent users from adding duplicate records.
  • provide de-duplications.
  • use Canada Post approved spellings and abbreviations plus the full postal code.
  • provide a quick look-up feature.
  • pre-sort mail for postal discounts.
  • save on wasted brochures and product information because clean addresses means more mail is getting to its destination.
  • update contact information from an external marketing source and import accounting information.

Contact us today to find out how our data quality and management solutions can work for you – 905-713-0375 or Toll Free at 866-709-1104 or email :